
省思雜記六 11/3 (指導老師: 蔡文榮老師

圖文歸納教學模式(the PWIM: picture-word inductive model)

 I.            What have I learned?
 範例介紹: 以約小學程度英文教學而論,以簡單的風景圖片,單純讓學生觀察圖片內容,再以所學單字, 一一形容所見景物及圖片所含顏色.

  •     學習辨認與觀察. 隨著教學者重複背誦從圖片中找出的單字.
  •     讓學生學習這些單字的造句,並使之聯想相關單字之相關句子.[注意教學者與學生進行的良好互動模式]
  •    此類的教學法, 適用於語文類科, 尤其最適用於英文科的!
  •    一般的教學模式都是深入其單一的理論根基,圖文歸納教學法則不同於一般教學法是為綜合許多的理論探究。
1. What is the Picture Word Inductive Model?
 A: Calhoun developed the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), which uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions and scenes to draw out words from children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. This model helps students add words to their sight reading vocabulary, as well as their writing vocabulary, and also discover phonetic and structural principles present in those words.
2. The purpose of PWIM:  To develop students' vocabulary, concepts about words, and sentence and paragraph structures through our content subjects of reading, math, science, or social studies…etc.
3. Steps of the PWIM: 
(1).     Select a picture.
(2).     Ask students to identify what they see in the picture.
(3).     Label the picture parts identified.
(4).     Read and review the picture-word chart aloud. Ask students to read the words
(5).     Read and review the picture-word chart [say, spell, say again].
(6).     Add words, if desired, to the picture word chart and to the word banks.
(7).     Have students classified the words into a variety of groups.
(8).     Lead students into creating a title for the picture word chart. 
(9).     Have students generate a sentence,sentences,or a paragraph directly related to their picture-word chart.
(10). Read and review the sentences and paragraphs.
 4. Advantages of PWIM:
(1).     The strategy emphasizes phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage of Standard English.
(2).     Pictures provide concrete referents for the learning of new words, phrases, and sentences.
(3).     Because students are using pictures related to content material under study, they feel a part of the classroom community and can participate in class activities.
(4).     The picture word chart serves as an immediate reference to enable students to add these words to their sight vocabulary. The teacher can choose to emphasize almost any sound and symbol relationship (introduced or taken to mastery).
(5).     Students are assisted in seeing the patterns and relationships of the English language, enabling them to apply this learning to newly encountered words.
(6).     Students hear and see words spelled correctly and participate in the correct spelling and writing.
[Note]: Learners benefit from the teacher modeling of the key words and concepts. With extensive practice, they can begin to learn how to create sentences and paragraphs related to the subject under study. 

5. 圖文歸納教學法基本論點:
6. 圖文歸納教學法的應用:

 II.    What impacts do I have?

     圖文歸納教學法真是有趣極了! 不但能提升學生學習興趣,在引發學生之於課程好奇心方面, 效果顯著呢! 今天老師一邊做示範時, 我突然回想到小時候學美語才藝時, 通常外師都會用這樣活潑的方式來引導小朋友學習, 並且鼓勵大家發言. 小朋友們都樂此不疲. (當然啦!有時會用實質獎品鼓勵大家舉手發言或是改以活潑的小組競賽方式製造緊張氣氛) 

  PWIM的特色是經由與現實生活中的圖像, 學生自己發現單字(物品) 而建構成新的句子. 學生們 “自己發現建構所學”這樣的教學模式非常輕鬆活潑及有趣 (因此教學模式能運用各種豐富的教學媒體, 如利用投影片或掛報可加深視覺效果), 一來可激發學生想像力; 二來又提供學生自由發言; 三來老師能因學生之學習投入度而產生成就感.(上下良好歡樂的頻繁互動能製造快樂活潑的學習氛圍) 

  PWIM的優點在於壁報當成現成的參考, 且能增加學生的新字彙. 因次學生能看見語文之類型與其相關關係, 並加以應用. 接著, 學生也能同時聽到看見已拼出的字彙, 能加深印象並有能力正確的拼與寫. 最後, 學生從老師示範的關鍵字與觀念而獲益,勤加練習開始造句.

     小組在演練時, 若善用此法, 相信不僅能讓教學更有創意性和畫面性(好比當紅歌手周杰倫的御用填詞家方文山先生的 “圖像式”情境畫面歌詞般地引人入勝^^) ; 在舉手答題的過程中也可訓練學生膽量加強其自信心.

III.   So, what shall I do
  我深深覺得 “圖文式歸納教學法” 真的比一般傳統教學法快速, 有效, 活潑且有創意多了, 像是英文繪本之類的圖書(再配合有聲CD或是音樂像歌劇般的教學模式, 教學和學習效果應該會出乎意料的棒) 透過實際生活圖片去學習單字總比硬生生強迫記憶背誦來的有效多了. 我始終認為, 學習這件事就好比如吃東西一樣 “吃得多不如吃得巧.” (有用的深層的記住學科知識並能加以應用於日常中活中來的重要多了)
  未來我想要將Calhoun's PWIM運用在英文單字教學和考前復習. (進入英文課文前用PWIN給予驚喜刺激使其探究, 考前用PWIN藉以緩和緊張氣氛外加複習功用, 真是一舉數得^ ^)首先先要篩選教材內容, 再找尋合用的常用的和生活相關熟悉的圖像, 接著提供學生情境式教學和學習樂趣. 期許自己能引導學生在情境上有新的感受. 啟發其思考能力和運用腦力激盪助其學習效果提升!
  換各方式思考, “學習” 之所以迷人,在於發現新事物的驚喜感; 而學生於學習過程中,能一再體驗發現的驚喜是非常非常重要的!
IV.      Related sources:
1. 圖文並茂介紹各種能應用於PWIM於英文科教學模式 [非常實用] * 像其中有學生使用在歐美行之有年的教學硬體, lead pad系列的互動式學習媒體, 非常好用有趣, 近幾年國人也有開發類似的教學媒體.
                         School News  2004-2005 Student Leadership

2. 網站介紹: 教學模式相關的網頁, 詳細介紹教學模式和其教學目標含有步驟跟特色. 更提供教師教學素材和相關學理連結.
          Excerpt from Instructional strategies online

What is the Picture Word Inductive Model?
Calhoun (1998) developed the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), which uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions and scenes to draw out words from children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. This model helps students add words to their sight reading vocabulary, as well as their writing vocabulary, and also discover phonetic and structural principles present in those words.

What is its purpose? 
The purpose of using PWIM is to develop students’ vocabulary, concepts about words, and sentence and paragraph structures through our content subjects of reading, math, science, or social studies.

How do I do it? 
Words are ‘shaken out’ or listed by the poster by the students. The words are categorized and read as a class over a series of days. Each class writes and reads sentences using the words. Then, depending on the grade level, the sentences are categorized and formed into paragraphs. The students then write paragraphs.
The strength of using this strategy from K to grade 6 is that it will help build students’ vocabulary and writing abilities. Kindergarten begins the foundation and all of the other grades add more content and skill development through grade 6.

Advantages of PWIM:

The following list of advantages of the PWIM is drawn from Calhoun (1999).
  • The strategy emphasizes phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage of Standard English.
  • Pictures provide concrete referents for the learning of new words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Because students are using pictures related to content material under study, they feel a part of the classroom community and can participate in class activities.
  • The picture word chart serves as an immediate reference to enable students to add these words to their sight vocabulary. The teacher can choose to emphasize almost any sound and symbol relationship (introduced or taken to mastery).
  • Students are assisted in seeing the patterns and relationships of the English language, enabling them to apply this learning to newly encountered words.
  • Students hear and see words spelled correctly and participate in the correct spelling and writing.
  • Learners benefit from the teacher modeling of the key words and concepts. With extensive practice, they can begin to learn how to create sentences and paragraphs related to the subject under study.
How can I adapt it?
The strategy can be used with a whole class, small groups, pairs, or individually to lead students into inquiring about words and adding them to their vocabularies, discovering phonetic and structural principles, and engaging in other reading and writing activities. While some skills can be taught explicitly, PWIM is designed to capitalize on a student’s ability to think inductively.
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